Trading Chat Room: Compliance Management


Since the advent of Google, search has been the bedrock for the spur of the information age. With the touch of a button it is possible to access any public indexed document stored. The drawback with conventional search engines such as Google and Bing is that they cannot be used on proprietary data sets.


In the context of compliance, financial institutions usually have a compliance team monitor and overlook other teams to ensure that they are not in breach of any regulations. In the case of the client, they wanted to save time by ensuring that their compliance team was able to find the right documentation. The client had an internal database of PDF files which contained information about whether or not a statement or comment should be flagged.


There are communications between traders and clients that could be considered by regulators as insider trading and lead to big fines. The job of the compliance team is to closely monitor these multiples chat logs to ensure that this does not happen. Without automation, this work is very costly and prone to many undected cases. 

Our Approach

We developed a Natural Language Processing that highlights communications inside the chat rooms that could be a potential breach of compliance. This pipeline was integrated with the internal Symphony used by the client and automated the most tedious task of the monitoring processing.

Our Results

This is a base component of a more comprehensive compliance suite used by the client involving communication control and tagging, compliance document search, etc.  The component being developed is currently being integrated into the client servers and is projected to save each officer multiples hours a week.